Here are some little highlights and projects I have going on!

I'll Keep updating on the blogs here, but for now this is a start!

Geo Tracker

A.K.A - Meseeks

This our family geo tracker. Here is a little funny story how this gem became a part of my life. My wife owned this before I met her. It was parked out on the farm with a bad clutch when I first learned about it. Before I knew anything about how to change a clutch, I was told that if I changed the clutch, I would be able to drive it. I said bet! Well many weeks later, lots of beer drank, and countless hours watching Youtube. I got no where with it. Finally, her brother couldn't bear to watch the disaster anymore and went and did it himself. With the transmission in place, all I needed to do was finish putting it back together. Things never seemed to go as planned and well guess what? While I was putting bolts back into the bellhousing, I put one of the longer ones in a spot is wasn't supposed to go and well, it broke. So once again, her brother was back out there fixing my mistake. He then just finished it up himself instead allowing me to work on it again!

Before going to school

Our little blue tracker :)

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